Our Story
Hey y’all! We are Katie and Allison McDaniel, the founders of Sprouting Life Garden, and we’re happy you’re here! Many years ago, we met as R.N.s in Southwest Virginia and fell in love. Our focus in all-natural wellness really began when we started caring for people with all sorts of chronic health conditions. We wanted to know more of what was being added to our food, our skin products, and our environment in general that could be contributing to some of these health concerns. After traveling the country for years, we decided to settle down on a 0.5-acre homestead, grow our own food, and start making our own products with high quality, all-natural ingredients, without preservatives, for our own health. We had three children in 2 years and wanted to give them a positive start, to raise them outside in the garden, and for us to be home with them as much as possible, while also teaching them self-sufficiency.
Our creams and salves are made with high quality ingredients in small batches. They include ingredients grown and infused in our home. At first, we just made them for ourselves. Then word quickly got around about how well they worked, and at the beginning of 2024, we started selling our skin care creams in local stores around Roanoke, VA. We also sell other seasonal offerings from the homestead locally such as sourdough baked goods, tea blends, and organic plant starts for your personal garden. We want to share the homegrown goodness we have learned throughout the years with you!
When you buy our products, you know you are getting a homemade product produced with love. We grow and produce many of the ingredients ourselves. You are also helping to support a small business directly and are taking a step in eliminating unnecessary artificial chemicals from your environment. If you have any questions, please send us a message. And thanks for supporting small business.